4 Best Synthetic Urine Kits Without Biocide (2025 Update)
A biocide is a preservative that extends urine’s shelf life, meaning it doesn’t have to be refrigerated like a human bodily waste. If there is a high percentage of biocide in synthetic urine, it will appear on a drug test.
Many options are available on the market when choosing the best synthetic urine. However, not all of these products are equally effective or safe.
We spent countless hours researching and assessing products until we narrowed it down to the top 4 synthetic urines on the market that don’t contain biocide.
Our 4 Top Synthetic Urine Products
After researching and narrowing it down to Clear Choice, Synthetix5, Test Clear Synthetic Urine, and Quick Fix 6.3 Urine, we’ve compared how these products size up based on their effectiveness, price, and ease of use.
1. Clear Choice Synthetic Urine
Clear Choice Sub-Solution is our top recommendation for the best synthetic urine formula available on the market.
This powdered urine kit simulates drug-free human urine in everything from appearance to smell to chemical makeup. So you can be confident that, unlike liquid synthetic urine, the powder will pass no matter how sophisticated the test is.
All of their synthetic urine is biocide-free. Additionally, it comes with a patented heat activator formula that raises the synthetic urine’s temperature to average body temperature.
This will make it easier for you to maintain your sample at the right temperature while you take your drug test.
- It is biocide-free.
- The powdered form is less messy and easier to use.
- The product contains chemical components similar to those found in human urine.
- The heat pad keeps the sample at normal body temperature.
- The price is higher than other similar products.
Custom Rating Criteria
- Quality: 4.9
- Price: 4.2
- Reliability: 5
Reviews By Consumers
“I just used it and passed to get my new job. Won’t lie; I was super nervous and did not have much faith in it, but damn, it worked. I mixed it like 2 hours before and microwaved it. I did not use the heated powder and elected to use heating pads. But it is worth it and works”
– Reddit User“I just received the good news that I have passed my pre-employment drug test (5-panel).”
– u/NorCalWeedologist, Reddit User
2. Synthetix5
Synthetix5 is synthetic urine that will beat standard drug tests if done correctly. More extensive and expensive drug tests might see through it, however.
Avoid trying to use it for government drug tests, as this could result in criminal charges.
The quality of the product is not too bad. It contains uric acid in human urine, and the company lists all ingredients on the website.
However, I would not recommend using this product for anything other than a standard drug test.
- Urine that is appropriate for use by people of any gender.
- The premixed sample contains Uric acid, urea, and creatinine.
- This product has a shelf life of 2 years.
- It is not as convincing as other products on the market and may not beat more sophisticated drug tests.
- It can overheat quickly.
Custom Rating Criteria
- Quality: 4
- Price: 4
- Reliability: 3.8
Reviews By Consumers
“Do not microwave unless you’re sure you’re using that bottle that day, as microwaving will probably break the seal on the bottle.”
– u/Zine-Rex, Reddit User“The only time they could’ve gotten you was with the temp. If they didn’t say anything, you’re good.”
– u/Maleficent_Dream1374, Reddit User
3. Test Clear Synthetic Urine
Test Clear’s synthetic urine is one of the best in terms of quality and realism on the market today.
Test Clear contains a combination of powdered ingredients that, when mixed with water, replicate real urine in terms of smell, appearance, and composition. These include chloride, creatinine, potassium, urea, sodium ions, and distilled water.
It would help if you took care when it came to mixing the powdered urine. It was tricky because one mistake could get you caught–like adding too much or too little water.
- Not too pricey.
- The powdered form of this product has a longer shelf life.
- This packet contains a temperature strip and heaters.
- Not suitable for sudden tests because it takes time to mix the powder.
- If you don’t follow the directions for adding water or mixing, it could negatively impact your results.
Custom Rating Criteria
- Quality: 4
- Price: 5
- Reliability: 3.8
Reviews By Consumers
“Test Clear worked for me. Just be sure to bring extra liquid since the cup they asked me for was 60ml and TC only gives you a 50ml bottle.”
– KornDisciple666, Reddit User“Make sure you are testing for the right substances.”
– Gal, Houston
4. Quick Fix 6.3 Synthetic Urine
Quick Fix 6.3 synthetic urine is a liquid imitation of human urine that helps people pass the urinalysis. Its composition attempts to be as close to real human urine as without any drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and so on to fool different labs that conduct drug tests.
Quick Fix’s leading synthetic urine is composed of the perfect ratio of:
- Creatinine
- Uric acid
- Vitamins
- Urea
Quick Fix failed a gas chromatography test that I performed, but it passed a standard drug test. If you’re worried about an advanced drug test, don’t use Quick Fix.
- It is practical, cheap, and has a good history.
- The Quick Fix urine will not go wrong for two years.
- This product is very similar to real urine.
- The item will come to you in a safe bottle to put in the microwave.
- Not suitable for advanced lab testing.
- People who have healthy kidneys do not produce urine that looks like an artificial kind.
Custom Rating Criteria
- Quality: 4
- Price: 5
- Reliability: 3.5
Reviews By Consumers
“I’ve used Quick Fix multiple times for pre-employment tests with no problems; just make sure the temp is right.”
– Lurker1972, Reddit User
“This worked amazingly, completely foolproof.”
– Mel, New Jersey
Buyer’s Guide for Biocide-Free Synthetic Urine
If you are worried about failing a drug test, using synthetic urine is one of the simplest and most dependable ways to pass without any issues.
It can be tough to decide which fake pee brand is best for you, especially with all the scammers and sellers selling fake, expired, or poor-quality synthetic urine that contains biocide.
Here are our top five things you need to look out for:
The components of synthetic urine are crucial. For instance, you must make sure the synthetic urine does not include biocide, or else you will fail your test if it does not have the right ingredients.
Here are the elements that you need to look for:
- Creatinine level
- Color
- Temperature
- Foam
It would help if you made sure the brand is reliable. This is one of the most important criteria because you will waste your money if the product is not good.
We only included products from brands that have been around for a while and have a good reputation. You also need to determine what type of test you are undergoing that will impact your choice.
Some brands are affordable, but they may not be effective. In my opinion, if you had to pay a little more to get a product that worked, it would be worth it.
I would rather spend $60 on a product that will help me pass my drug test than spend $30 on a product that may not work and cause me to fail.
Can A Drug Test Tell If It’s Synthetic Urine?
Yes, a drug test can tell if it’s synthetic urine if it was misused. The most common way people fail a drug test with synthetic urine is by using a product that contains a biocide, an antimicrobial agent used to prevent microorganisms’ growth.
Do Urine Tests Detect Biocide?
Yes, urine tests detect biocide, an antimicrobial agent used to prevent the growth of microorganisms.
What Happens If I Use Synthetic Urine That Contains Biocide?
If you use synthetic urine that contains biocide, you will fail your drug test. That is why you must ensure that the synthetic urine you are using does not contain biocide.
Our Recommendation: Choice Sub Solution
After trying out the synthetic urine kits I mentioned above, I highly recommend using Clear Choice Synthetic Urine. It helped me pass my drug test, and I am confident it will help you pass yours because it mimics real human urine. In terms of quality and reliability, Clear Choice is the best product on the market that resembles real human urine.
I have tried multiple synthetic urine brands, and Clear Choice Sub Solution is the best. This might be your product if you are looking for a reliable and effective option.