Rescue 5 Day Detox Review (2025) Here Are My Results

Rescue 5 day detox Review Featured

If you’ve ever researched the world of detox pills, then you know how many really dodgy body cleansing products are out there. Usually, the safe bet is to judge the advertisements and marketing material, and the more outrageous it sounds, the worse the detox drink product usually is.

However, there are some natural detox drink options out there with a proven formula that can help you pass a drug test, even as a chronic weed smoker. One of the best options I have found and tested is Rescue 5 Day permanent detox.

It’s entirely based on concentrated herbal ingredients and formulated to help people get rid of a low to moderate amount of remaining toxins within a 48-hour period.

This all sounded interesting, and the body detox review comments from users were positive too. So I decided to do some more digging and tried it out myself.

What Is Rescue 5-Day Full-Body Detox?

Detox 5 DayRescue 5 Day Detox is a natural cleanser that aims to boost processes in your body that filter out toxins. This is generally a suitable option when you know you may have a toxic buildup through the food you eat, or the recreational enjoyment you might be keen on.

The Rescue 5 Day Detox makers claim they used results from applied sciences and research studies to come up with an herbal blend that boosts kidney and liver functions, which are your body’s natural detoxification processes.

It’s not a quick fix that so many natural detox products claim to provide, but 5 days isn’t bad if you have enough time before an impending drug test day and want to avoid using synthetic urine. It applies even when using home drug test kits or standard urine tests.

How Does Rescue 5-Day Full-Body Detox Work?

While the primary intention of Rescue Detox pills isn’t to teach you how to pass a drug test, the way it works to clear your system of all the drug metabolites, free radicals, and toxins works just as well for most detectable elements of drugs.

It’s essentially a full 5-day natural detox process that gradually increases your body’s natural detoxification processes to maximum capacity.

Now, before you get concerned that this natural detox drink contains some super strength chemicals that could do more harm than good, let me put you at ease.

All the herbal ingredients are naturally sourced for these detox drinks, and they are known to help bring kidneys and liver to their full potential. Add to that a lot of water, and you’ve got a much better chance your body will get rid of the toxic buildup and evidence of that epic party.

What Natural Ingredients Are In Rescue Detox?

The good news is that, based on various Rescue Detox reviews, there are only natural ingredients in the Rescue Detox drink or finisher formula pills. The product was created with natural herbs that you could buy and mix up at home. However, the nutrition label on the box hides the exact amounts of each, just in case you thought you could easily create your own.

Based on applied sciences and clinical studies, the following substances are combined into 3 different detox pills.

Detox Banner

1 – Head Start Formula

  • Creatine Monohydrate
  • Alfalfa Leaf
  • Slippery Elm Bark
  • Reishi Mushroom
  • Uva Ursi Leaf
  • Cayenne Leaf
  • Sorbitol

2 – Morning Formula Pills

  • Schizandra Fruit
  • Turmeric Root
  • Burdock Root
  • Licorice Root
  • Dandelion Leaf
  • Cascara Sagdara Bark
  • Red Root
  • Milk Thistle Seed
  • Green Tea Leaf
  • Guarana Seed
  • Echinacea Purpurea Leaf.

3 – Evening Formula Pills

  • Schizandra Fruit
  • Turmeric Root
  • Burdock Root
  • Licorice Root
  • Dandelion Leaf
  • Peppermint Leaf
  • Red Root
  • Milk Thistle Seed
  • Echinacea Purpurea Leaf

Are There Any Side Effects?

From all the Rescue detox review comments I read and my personal experience with going through the natural detox process twice, I have to say that there are very few side effects from the Rescue Detox drink. I did have a slight amount of bloating the first day, but I would actually put that down to the volume of water you need to drink.

Based on this, I would actually say that there are more health risks involved in having increasing drug toxins rather than going through a full cycle with this natural detox cleansing kit.

How Do You Take Rescue 5 Day Permanent Detox?

The instructions for Rescue 5 Day Permanent Detox are actually really easy to follow, according to most Rescue Detox reviews. Getting the timing right in between meals is probably the most difficult part.

1. The Night Before The First Day

Rescue 5 Pill in handBefore you start the full 5 day process, you take 4 head start detox pills with 32 ounces of water. Aim to do this a few hours before bedtime, and at least 2 hours after eating.

2. Morning Routine

Every morning, take 6 morning formula pills with 32 ounces of water. Do this before breakfast and avoid eating for about 2 hours after. This can be a struggle at times, but it’s only for a few days.

3. Evening Routine

Every evening take 6 evening formula pills also with 32 ounces of water. This should also be at least 2 hours after eating and a few hours before bedtime to avoid having to get up and pee several times during the night.

You repeat this detox process for 5 days, during which you should stay completely clear of any recreational drugs. Your urine will flush out the drug toxins to prepare for the day of your drug test.

The Rescue Detox kit also contains some extra Ice capsules, which you can take every day if you have very high levels of toxins. You should also take one of these on the day of the drug test.

Read More: How Do You Use Detox Pills for a Drug Test?

How Long Does It Take For Rescue 5 Day Full-Body Detox To Work?

It takes about an hour on average for Rescue 5 Day Detox to work, but the full effects of flushing toxins with your urine will take 5 days to complete.

Between the detox pill and the large volume of water, you will be going for a pee a lot within as little as 20 minutes, depending on how fast you drink the water. But that is a good thing and a positive sign that you’ve read and followed the full instructions.

Remember not to submit a diluted urine sample on the day of your drug test. Overly diluted samples typically require further testing, which can be a hassle for you.


Rescue 5 Faq

Where can you buy Rescue 5 Day Detox?

The best place to buy Rescue 5 Day Detox is online with trusted online retailers. This may incur some shipping costs, but it beats picking up a counterfeit product at a smoke shop.

Does Rescue 5 Day Detox work for drug tests?

Yes, Rescue Detox pills work for drug tests, and there are countless reviews that highlight positive outcomes. Just keep in mind that it’s not designed for very heavy drug use, but the evidence of occasional partying can be flushed out so your drug test can come out clear.

How long does Rescue 5 Day Detox last?

Rescue 5-Day Detox lasts for as long as you stay away from new toxins. As soon as you start taking any drugs again, you’ll need to go through the 5-day detox process again.

Is Rescue 5 Day Full-Body Detox a permanent body detox?

Yes, Rescue 5 Day Detox is a permanent detox. If you stay away from drugs after going through the 5-day detox pill process, then you’ll be able to continue passing drug tests. However, if you start taking drugs again, you’ll have to repeat the full-body detox cleanse.

Conclusion: Is Rescue 5-Day Full-Body Detox a Suitable Solution?

Women Holding Rescue Detox 5 DayHaving tested it with home urine drug tests and comparing results to fake urine samples, I have to say that the Rescue detox pills do work very well. This is backed up by countless Rescue Detox reviews that I found in forums, where a lot of people have gone through the 5-day detox. Most of them use the full-body detox pill instead of fake urine to pass a drug test.

In states where synthetic piss has been banned, Rescue detox may just be your best alternative on the market, especially if you have quite a short notice for the drug test.