Drug Testing

How Long Does Sure-Jell Last For a Drug Test? Certo Method Guide

If your supervisor comes up to you and says you need to take a drug testing, it can be quite a shock. Your first reaction is probably to panic. I know, I’ve been there myself. But there’s no reason to feel doomed if you’ve been using weed recently. There are many ways to pass urine… Continue reading How Long Does Sure-Jell Last For a Drug Test? Certo Method Guide

Drug Testing

Does Petsmart Drug Test for Employment? What You Should Know

If you’re thinking about getting a job at PetSmart, you surely want to know does PetSmart drug tests. Using drug testing is very common for many corporations and retailers out there. After all, no business wants to have employees who are using drugs. PetSmart is no different. However, PetSmart recently had a change in its… Continue reading Does Petsmart Drug Test for Employment? What You Should Know

Drug Testing

Best Detox for THC in 2025 Drinks, Pills & Kits

There are over 55 million drug tests done each year in the United States alone [1]. If you are one of those 55 million, you might find yourself in a pickle if you’ve been smoking weed recently. The good news is that detox methods are here to help you pass a clean urine sample without… Continue reading Best Detox for THC in 2025 Drinks, Pills & Kits

Drug Testing

How Do You Pass a Nicotine Test? In-Depth Guide

While drug tests are commonplace and expected when applying for a new job, more and more US employers are doing nicotine tests as well. Even if you’ve been vaping or using e-cigarettes instead of smoking, you can still fail nicotine testing. So, can you avoid testing positive if you’ve been smoking recently? Yes, you can.… Continue reading How Do You Pass a Nicotine Test? In-Depth Guide

Drug Testing

Cream of Tartar Drug Test Method Does it Really Work?

You’ve probably heard about this method of passing a drug test discussed online on a variety of websites. Many say that the cream of tartar drug test method is the easiest and cheapest way to mask drugs in your system. The real question is, does cream of tartar truly work and help you pass a… Continue reading Cream of Tartar Drug Test Method Does it Really Work?

Drug Testing

The Macujo Method Reviews Can It Help You Pass a Hair Drug Test?

You finally landed your dream job and life’s all sunshine and rainbows. Until, one day, your manager announces a hair follicle testing in 2 weeks. You start panicking and scouring for ways to cover up your drug use. You stumble upon the Macujo method — seemingly, the most reliable way to pass a hair test.… Continue reading The Macujo Method Reviews Can It Help You Pass a Hair Drug Test?

Drug Testing

Does Certo Work For Heavy Smokers?

In a world where weed legalization is on the rise, pre-employment and random workplace drug tests are too. I’m sure we can all agree they’re not the most exciting thing in a stoners life. Most drug test detox methods on the market are lengthy and rather expensive. Enter the Certo drug detox method, one of… Continue reading Does Certo Work For Heavy Smokers?

Drug Testing

Does Drinking Vinegar Help You Pass a Drug Test?

Drug tests are becoming more common with multiple industries, making them a permanent part of their hiring process. You’ll find these tests being used by restaurants all the way up to news companies. The good news is that you can pass a drug test in multiple ways, either by hair or pee. If you smoke… Continue reading Does Drinking Vinegar Help You Pass a Drug Test?

Drug Testing

6 Best Ways to Store Urine for a Drug Test A Complete Guide

Are you looking to preserve urine over an extended period before a urine drug test? If so, we are here to give you some tips and insights into the best ways to store urine for that future event. A urine sample won’t last forever, so knowing the correct storage options will help keep your urine… Continue reading 6 Best Ways to Store Urine for a Drug Test A Complete Guide