The Urinator Review (2025 Update) Read BEFORE Buying

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This Urinator review was last updated in February 2025.

There’s nothing worse than arriving at work on a Monday morning with brain fog from the weekend as partygoers only to see an email from HR about mandatory urine testing on your new job.

How your private life is of concern to an employer does baffle most of us, but hey, that’s life at its natural speed.

Anyway, there are plenty of solutions for these dreaded moments. Rather than panic, you should keep calm and respond to the email to book your time slot. The more confident you come across about the drug test, the better it will look.

But, finding confidence in a synthetic urine sample and a reliable delivery method doesn’t sound simple as it might seem. There are countless crap powdered human urine products out there that you need to stay away from since they might feel uncomfortable in the crotch area at best. We list most of them on this site to help you avoid them.

Fortunately, you can use the Urinator urine kit!

This review of The Urinator Device will take an in-depth look at exactly how this product works, how effective it is, and whether we think this Urinator is worthy of your trust.

With this Urinator review, it should become easier to make the right decision before the day of your urine test, giving you the peace of mind and confidence you need to pass.

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How Does The Urinator Work?

guy thinking about the urinator

When using synthetic urine solution to pass a drug test, one of the most significant concerns (aside from it being free of toxins) is body temperature and uric acid content.

That’s where The Urinator synthetic urine comes in!

Using electronically controlled heating pads powered by two 9-volt batteries, this unisex device can keep the correct temperature of pee/urine for at least four hours. An alternative is to use warm water, but it isn’t as reliable. You can also keep an insulating fabric blanket shut to maintain the right body temperature.

This gives you plenty of time to get in and out of the testing facility and provide them with a fake urine sample with the proper body temperature of real piss to pass their exams with ease (in theory!). Whenever possible, keep the battery-powered heating pad closed since it helps with the ideal temperature.

The Urinator Device also includes a toxin-free concentrated synthetic urine substitute.

Just make sure to follow the Urinator instructions outside the testing facility before you go in (yes, some people are that dumb). Sounds simple, right?

This will give you a toxin-free synthetic urine sample at the correct temperature to provide the facility and allow you to pass your clean drug test.

Another good thing about The Urinator Device is the fact that you can use it again and again unlike fake pee samples, while still somewhat maintaining its value and usefulness.

However, it is not recommended, as it can decrease your chances of passing over time as the product’s quality comes into question.

If there are longer periods between tests, then it’s always better to get a fresh powdered urine product.

Does The Urinator Work?

scared business man

This is still one of the most significant questions people ask before purchasing any fake urine product or device designed to help them get through a drug test—and with good reason!

You don’t want to spend money on a powdered urine product that’s not going to work or is going to keep you from an extraordinary opportunity.

Whatever about possibly failing a drug screen, but failing because you tried to cheat is not going to look good. No explanation sounds simple once you’re found out.

In our experience, while having a promising design and purpose, The Urinator Device may not work every single time you use it. In some cases, you might need a few tries to get the powder urine product out.

While it does help to warm the synthetic urine sample (see the synthetic urine brands that we’ve reviewed), it does not do so reliably and at a consistent urine temperature that will be counted on to pass your drug test.

While the powdered urine product does have a slightly higher success rate than most others, it has a more significant margin of error than what we are comfortable with.

When it comes to testing, there is often a lot at risk for a person if they are to fail, such as excess air—and we prefer to minimize that risk as much as possible.

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That’s why it is recommended to use the Monkey Business product, which has proven itself to be far more reliable, if not the best fake piss with a great heating element. With their products, you are more likely to maintain the temperature of the fake urine solution, and you are more likely to see a positive result when it comes to passing your urine drug test. The temperature test strips ensure your urine has the right temperature before the test.

They even take it another notch above The Urinator wrap (which is unisex) by having specific devices for both men and women that greatly increase your chances of passing, especially if it’s a supervised test. This fact alone gives it the upper hand, aside from the heating element for maintaining urine temperature.

And, if you want to see our in-depth review of Monkey Dong (for men) and Monkey Whizz (for women), you can do so by clicking the link we’ve just provided.

Like The Urinator fake pee test kit, it can be used multiple times (and keep its quality), as long as you keep it somewhere safe like a vinyl IV bag. And of course, we recommend it very highly as it comes with a higher pass rate than what you will find with The Urinator or any other powdered urine products out there.

How Much is the Cost and Where to Buy it?

shocked man and woman

While the cost is high to use the Urinator Device, it ends up being a good solution to your urine drug testing needs.

Because the urine sample kit can be used multiple times, if you are someone who is subjected to drug testing on a semi-frequent basis, then this product will even end up saving you money in the long run. As long as you keep it in a vinyl IV bag or some other safe place, you’re good.

Although, as we have previously stated, we do not recommend using the urine sample kit again too often as the quality of The Urinator quickly goes down after a couple of uses, even with a heating element.

The price of The Urinator runs around $150. However, it also comes with synthetic urine solution for your supervised drug test, so you do not need to spend on that as well.

The typical cost of fake pee is about thirty dollars, so if you are planning to risk it to pass drug test events by using The Urinator over and over, you might be able to save some cash in your pocket.

The Urinator tube is available for sale on many untrusted third-party seller sites. You may be able to find one from a local seller or even from a smoke shop. However, make sure that the fake piss product you are purchasing is genuine and works appropriately. Without the correct temperature or uric acid, the drug testers might find out you’re using fake urine.

With many untrusted third-party websites that sell synthetic urine out there, it sure can be a difficult thing to differentiate between what is a real product and what is a knock-off. It also becomes more difficult when you need to find a liquid crystal temperature indicator to ensure the right temperature to pass as genuine human urine.

Final Thoughts on The Urinator 

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At the end of the day, considering the possibility of buying a tampered product and the high margin of error when you use the Urinator, we feel much more comfortable suggesting Monkey Dong (for men) and Monkey Whizz (for women) for your money to pass a drug test and come out clean without using someone else’s urine.

Don’t fail your drug test because of a bad investment in a fake urine product that doesn’t perform to its desired results, especially after storing it in a vinyl IV bag. It’s simply too great a risk to take.

Get the Monkey Dong or Monkey Whizz products by clicking the links we’ve provided to help you pass your urine drug test and seize the opportunities you deserve. Read our review and don’t forget to leave a reply if you’ve tried these products.