Drug Testing

The Macujo Method Reviews Can It Help You Pass a Hair Drug Test?

You finally landed your dream job and life’s all sunshine and rainbows. Until, one day, your manager announces a hair follicle testing in 2 weeks. You start panicking and scouring for ways to cover up your drug use. You stumble upon the Macujo method — seemingly, the most reliable way to pass a hair test.… Continue reading The Macujo Method Reviews Can It Help You Pass a Hair Drug Test?

Drug Testing

Does Certo Work For Heavy Smokers?

In a world where weed legalization is on the rise, pre-employment and random workplace drug tests are too. I’m sure we can all agree they’re not the most exciting thing in a stoners life. Most drug test detox methods on the market are lengthy and rather expensive. Enter the Certo drug detox method, one of… Continue reading Does Certo Work For Heavy Smokers?

Detox Pills

Do Azo Cranberry Pills Work for a Drug Test? 9 Pros & Cons

If you’re no stranger to marijuana, you’ll know that every now and then, you may have to pass a drug test. Whether it’s for a job, or you need a clean test for legal reasons, there’s no denying there are plenty of methods out there. That being said, do any of these methods even work?… Continue reading Do Azo Cranberry Pills Work for a Drug Test? 9 Pros & Cons

Synthetic Urine

How Quickly Does Synthetic Urine Go Bad? 4 Things to be Aware Of

Does a reliable synthetic urine expire? The quick answer is yes, it does. And when it does, whether you need the urine for a prank, a drug test, or a science experiment — you’re probably screwed. Especially if you’re using it for a drug test, you’ll want to make sure it passes the test. We’ve… Continue reading How Quickly Does Synthetic Urine Go Bad? 4 Things to be Aware Of

Drug Testing

Does Drinking Vinegar Help You Pass a Drug Test?

Drug tests are becoming more common with multiple industries, making them a permanent part of their hiring process. You’ll find these tests being used by restaurants all the way up to news companies. The good news is that you can pass a drug test in multiple ways, either by hair or pee. If you smoke… Continue reading Does Drinking Vinegar Help You Pass a Drug Test?

Drug Testing

6 Best Ways to Store Urine for a Drug Test A Complete Guide

Are you looking to preserve urine over an extended period before a urine drug test? If so, we are here to give you some tips and insights into the best ways to store urine for that future event. A urine sample won’t last forever, so knowing the correct storage options will help keep your urine… Continue reading 6 Best Ways to Store Urine for a Drug Test A Complete Guide

Drug Testing

5 Ways to Clean Out Your System in 24 Hours An Easy-to-Follow Guide

The chances are you’re here because of a surprise drug test and have traces of drug toxins that will show up in your sample. The big question is: Is 24 hours enough time to clean out your system and pass a drug test with no traces of cannabis? We’ve compiled a list of the five… Continue reading 5 Ways to Clean Out Your System in 24 Hours An Easy-to-Follow Guide

Drug Testing

How to Use Potable Aqua Pills to Pass a Drug Test?

Are you on a search for a way to eliminate metabolites from your body and pass your drug testing? You might be tempted to try all the products out there, like potable aqua. But you shouldn’t. You could experience serious side effects such as vomiting or poisoning. That’s why we’ve spent endless hours researching potable… Continue reading How to Use Potable Aqua Pills to Pass a Drug Test?

Drug Testing

How Can a Female Pass a Supervised Drug Test? 4 Simple Ways

If you’ve recently consumed drugs and have an upcoming supervised drug test, you’re probably looking for a reliable way to pass. After all, you’ll have a supervisor who could easily work out that you’re tampering with the sample. While I can’t guarantee you won’t get in trouble, I’ll give you my best advice on how… Continue reading How Can a Female Pass a Supervised Drug Test? 4 Simple Ways

Drug Testing

How to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test? Shortcut Your Way to Negative Results

Did a surprise mouth swab drug test catch you off guard? Since your saliva reveals substances you took within only half an hour, you have every reason to panic… Or do you? We’ve researched solutions to your problems for hours and found two methods that actually work. By the end of this article, you’ll know how… Continue reading How to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test? Shortcut Your Way to Negative Results